
Current offers

See more promotions in store!

From June 5 to September 10, 2024.
Offers available in participating convinience stores.


30 cans


18 years and older. Plus taxes and deposit.

Monster or Reign

4 x 473 ml


Assorted flavors. Plus taxes and deposit.

Gatorade G, G Zéro and G Fit

828 ml

2 / $6.49

Assorted flavors. Plus taxes.

Pepsi or Bubly

12 x 355 ml

2 / $13.99

Assorted flavors. Plus taxes and deposit.

Coors Light and Miller Lite

18 or 20 cans


18 years and older. Plus taxes and deposit.

Yum Yum

425 - 454 g


Potato chips. Assorted flavors. Plus taxes.


42 - 50 g

2 / $2.59

Assorted flavors. Plus taxes.

Prime or Alani Nu

355 - 500 ml

2 / $5.99

Hydratation or Energy drink. Plus taxes and deposit.

Loyalty cards


Buy 4 coffees and get the 5th free! Grab a loyalty card at your nearest Filgo.


Buy 4 slush and get the 5th free! Grab a loyalty card at your nearest Filgo.

Car wash

Buy 4 contactless washes and get the 5th free! Grab a loyalty card at your nearest Filgo.

Filgo Exclusive

Mike's Lemonade

Exclusively available at participating convenience stores. 18 years and older.

Free Slush or Coffee!

Promotion available in several recently renovated sites only. Get informed!

Find the best price on milk at Filgo!

4L of milk, always at the lowest price.

Our on-the-go snacks!

Muffins $1.99
With coffee $1.49*

Danish pastry, croissants, cakes, turnovers or breads $1.99
With coffee $1.49*

Cookies $0.99

Plus taxes. Offers available in participating convinience stores.
* Price doesn’t include the coffee.

There must be a Filgo nearby!